Day: June 21st, 2007

Noodles with Peking sauce

Thursday, June 21st, 2007 | All Things, Eats

“You know, with all the ugliness in the world, a good noodle shop just seems to be God’s way of saying everything’s gonna be okay.”
Grace Adler

At Marco Polo Noodle Shop, this dish appears on the menu as “Noodles with Peking Sauce.” I ordered it for the first time on a bit of blind faith, not having a precise idea of what constituted this generically-named sauce. According to The Food Lover’s Companion, peking sauce is synonymous with hoisin sauce — that distinctive sweet, salty, spicy sauce of soybean paste, garlic, vinegar, sugar and chilies, used frequently in Chinese stir-fries, dips and marinades.

This was definitely not that sauce. Marco Polo’s version was tasty, but difficult to describe: a kicky, tangy sauce interspersed with slivers of bamboo shoots and black mushrooms, and diced chunks of pressed tofu. Also, quite popular, based on its appearance on several diners’ tables during this busy lunch hour.

Noodles with Peking sauce

And because we love dumplings:

Marco Polo dumplings

The return of the birthday bouquet:

Birthday orchids

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